Ala Bastet Beauty

TICA: Quadri Grand Champion, Best Seal Tabby Point White Siberian in 2017.
WCF: World Ch
Datum rođenja: 20/04/2016.
Seal Tabby Point and White Siberian (SIB n 21 33 09)
M ajka: Isis Divinitysib of Bastet Beauty
Otac: Bendida’s Ovidiy

Naša drugokomandujuća, odmah iza Isis.

19. jul, 2017

Award of Excellence za našu ljupku Alu:
Best Seal Lynx (Tabby) Point / White Siberian Cat of the Year 2017!

Award of Excellence for our lovely Ala: Best Seal Lynx (Tabby) Point / White Siberian Cat of the Year 2017!

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